How to add a survey or questionnaire in a post or secure broadcast

How to add a survey or questionnaire in a post or secure broadcast

1. You can create a post or Secure Broadcast by pressing the “+” found in the bottom right corner of your screen.

2. You can also opt to switch between a standard post or a Secure Broadcasts by using the “Send a Secure Broadcast” toggle when creating your post.

3. Add the body of the message

4. Create a "Broadcast Title"

5. You can set a "Group Broadcast" by checking the box

6. Use the dropdown to pick the group

7. To Create a Post with a survey or questionnaire click "Add Survey / Questionnaire"

8. To allow users to change their submission, Click "Allow Resubmissions?"

9. To Add an expiry date, click "Enable Expiry Date"

10. Choose an Expiry Date by clicking the calendar

11. Pick your date

12. You should see the date in the Expiry Date

13. Click "Survey Name:"

14. Click "Multiple Choice"

15. Choose "Multiple Choice" or "Long Answer"

16. Click in "Write Your Question Here..." and build your survey

17. Click "ADD CHOICE" to create answers. Click "Thank You Message" and create the Thank You

18. Click "Add Question" for adding more questions

19. Click 'Send"

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