1. Once logged in, navigate to your teams main dashboard and select the 'Settings' button in the Top Left
2. From the settings page, select the 'Edit Theme' dropdown, which can be found at the bottom of the screen.
3. From this screen you can select which colour you would like to edit by clicking the 'colour box'
4. Once you have pressed on the colour type you wish to change, a box will appear that shows three different categories allows you to change the colour by clicking/dragging the given circles.
Colour Continuum:
Brings up various color ranges in the color spectrum if you want to choose a color by hand.
Colour Spectrum:
Allows you to choose your specific preferred color using the circle on the spectrum.
Hex Code:
Enter the desired color's hex code (it looks something like this: #123456) in the box next to the color dot.
5. We recommend that the contrast color should provide a sufficient contrast to the Primary, Secondary or Third color to ensure readability. For example if the Primary color is a dark color, the contrast color should be a light color.
6. When you are happy with the colors you can Preview your selections and then Click "SAVE"