How do I login and get started as a player?

How do I login and get started as a player?


After you've successfully verified your account, you'll be asked a series of questions when you login. That's because 1Rink serves as both a team communications and a recruiting app to help you get noticed by over 3500 scouts. Answering the recruitment questionnaire will help match you with scouts to increase your chances of getting noticed.
Here's how.


Step by Step

1. Enter Login information and Click "LOGIN"

2. Read the EULA and Click "I ACCEPT"

3. You will now be Prompted about how you will be using 1Rink

4. Click Drop-Down

5. Access the Drop-down menu and

Click "Player"

6. Click "OK"

7. Click "NEXT"

8. Click "Men's or Women's"

9. Click "OK"

10. Click "NEXT"

11. Click "Select Date"

12. Click here to Select Year

13. Scroll and find your Birth year

14. Click here to scroll and select Birth Month

15. Click here to select the Birth "Day"

16. Click and select the Day

17. Click the "Hometown" field.

18. Type in your HomeTown

19. Click "NEXT"

20. Click "GET STARTED" to Finish answering Recruitment Questions

21. Click "Later" if you would like to answer Recruitment Questions later

  • Get better matched with Recruiters by completing the questions

22. Click and select the Country where you currently play.

23. Click "Canada"

24. Click "OK"

25. Click and select Province/State where you currently Play.

26. Click "Ontario"

27. Click "OK"

28. Click and select the Level of Hockey you currently Play.

29. Click "OK"

30. Click "NEXT"

31. Click and select where you are interested in playing in the future.

32. Usually the Levels above where you are currently playing

33. You can select All or None at the bottom to quickly add or remove selections

34. Click "OK" once you are happy with your Selections

35. Click "NEXT"

36. Click and Enter the Country or Countries you are interested in playing in the future

37. Click and select 1 or more Countries

38. Click and select Province or State you are interested in Playing in the Future

39. Click and select 1 or more Province or State

40. Click "OK" when happy with selections

41. Click "NEXT"

42. Click and enter where you currently attend school

43. Click "OK"

44. Click "NEXT"

45. Click and Select which position you Wish to play.

46. Click and select 1 or more positions

47. Click "OK"

48. Click "NEXT"

49. Click and enter Hockey skills you bring to the team.

50. Click and Enter 1 or more Hockey Skills

51. Click "OK"

52. Click "NEXT"

53. Click and enter Additional Strengths.

54. Click and enter 1 or more Strengths

55. Click "OK"

56. Click "NEXT"

57. Click "Yes or No" if you would like Recruiters to be able to search and contact you in 1Rink app.

58. Click "OK"

59. Click "COMPLETE"

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