How do I Like and Add Comments to a Post in 1Rink? Also includes how to Delete a Comment.

How do I Like and Add Comments to a Post in 1Rink? Also includes how to Delete a Comment.


This guide provides essential instructions for interacting with posts in the 1Rink app, enabling users to engage with content through likes and comments effectively. It covers the process of liking posts using hockey-themed icons, adding comments, and the option to delete comments when necessary. Additionally, it highlights advanced features for formatting comments, enhancing user expression. By following this guide, users can fully utilize the social aspects of the app, fostering a more engaging community experience.


    Step by Step

    1. Open the 1Rink App

    2. While viewing a Post in your Feed you can Like and/or Comment

    3. Click here to LIKE a Post.

    4. If you select and hold down your finger you can select between 3 Hockey related images.
    Hockey stick, Goal light, or Hockey Glove.

    5. You can change your selection by repeating the previous step.

    6. You can also Remove your LIKE on a Post by clicking the image you selected.

    7. It will go back to showing the Thumbs Up Icon when a LIKE is Removed

    8. To Add a Comment to the Post that you LIKED follow the Next Steps

    9. Click the "Add a comment..." field.

    10. Type Your Comments for the Post

    11. Click here when you are finished to send the comments.

    12. Click here on a comment that you wrote if you would like to DELETE the comments.

    13. Confirm Deleting the Comments by selecting "YES"

    14. There is a another way you can add Comments that allows some more Word processing features such as Bold, Italic, Underline, etc.

    15. Click here on the Comment Bubble Icon

    16. You can begin typing your Comment Here

    17. When you are Finished writing your comment for the post you can select the "Arrow" to send the Comments