How do I Change a User Type for a Portal Member?

How do I Change a User Type for a Portal Member?


You can Change or Edit a User type for any Portal Member using these Steps


Step by Step

1. Click here on the "Settings Wheel" in the Top Left corner.

2. Click here on "Portal Members"

3. Click below a users name in the Drop down menu

4. Click here and select either Admin, Contributor, or User

Admin: Full control of the portal. A portal admin can invite users to the portal, change user's roles, post broadcasts to portal users and manage portal groups and alias'. They have full portal access and control

Contributor: Has elevated privileges in the portal. Can post broadcasts and manage some portal settings. Higher than a user but not as much power as an admin.

User: Lowest role within a portal. Cannot post broadcasts or manage portal settings.

5. Click "OK" when have selected the correct User Type for the portal member.