If you're connected with a scout, don't worry. You can still boost your profile by populating your 1Rink Recruits personal feed, and scouts will see all this additional content without needing to be connected.
1. Download the app or navigate to https://app.1rink.com/
2. Click on 1Rink Recruits.
3. Click on the Connections icons.
4. You will see a list of connections based on automatic recommendations.
5. Keep scrolling to browse the connections.
6. You can also search by name for a connection by clicking the "Search" field.
7. Type the name to search
8. Click the "+" to send an invitation to connect
9. You will see that the request has been sent to connect
10. Click "Sent" to review the connection requests you have sent.
11. You can also re-send the invite at any time.
12. Click "Invitations" if see if you have any invites you have received.
13. Click "Accept" to accept a connection request.
14. Click "Connections" to view any connections you have made.
15. For any connections, click on the "Chat" icon to start chatting and messaging with the connection.
16. Click the "Chat Message" field and enter your message and click send.